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Welcome! We're all about providing the best meats, including 100% grass-fed, Organic and Free-range, for your health needs. We are completely tailored to popular Ancestral Health Diets to help you find the right meats for your health journey.

We're passionate about high animal welfare and being more than sustainable, we're regenerative.

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Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00 Model Farm, Hildersley, Ross on Wye, HR9 7NN 01989 567663 [email protected]

Category: beef

The Power of Muscle

Regenerative agriculture emerged from a paradigm of regeneration that applies to a range of other disciplines such as leadership, economics, business, design and, most importantly, how we live and behave as empowered citizens – regenerative living

Vaca Vieja

Regenerative agriculture emerged from a paradigm of regeneration that applies to a range of other disciplines such as leadership, economics, business, design and, most importantly, how we live and behave as empowered citizens – regenerative living

Carbon Wash

Stop the carbon washing. We need to create viable, interdependent, complex and holistic solutions, instead of simply waging war on carbon.

Nourishing Our Children

With Nutrient Dense Foods This Summer

By Teri Clayton

Summer holidays enable us to spend quality time with our children. Whether going away for a week of sun, sea and sand, or remaining on home turf, it’s a time to treasure the time we have available with one another.

The holiday period also offers us the perfect opportunity to ensure our families eat the best quality nutrition. We can load up their stores of fat soluble vitamins and nutrients, whilst we have a little more say about what they eat. 

Many parents dread the sudden extra workload of children being out of school for an extended period. However – with the right mindset and approach – it can be reframed as an opportunity to invest in a healthy and happy future for the family.

Yes it might involve proactive planning and a decent amount of extra work, but the long term rewards will definitely be worth it. This kind of work travels down through generations.

Your family will still benefit from the nourishment you put into them long after you have gone.

Disclaimer: This article is intended to support personal education and offer individuals the opportunity to research a range of approaches to achieving wellbeing. A Primal living or ancestral approach to wellbeing is a path that some people choose for themselves and is in no way intended to replace professional medical, healthcare, dietary or wellbeing advice. Consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle, especially if you take prescribed medications.

Building Upon the Good

Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride MD reinvigorated forgotten cultural knowledge in the world of nutrition after permanently reversing her son’s autistic symptoms through diet.

Now considered a leading light in reviving a truly rooted and wise approach to diet, Dr Campbell-McBride has written several books, dedicated to empowering people to heal naturally through nutrient dense foods, gut health and supporting a healthy gut microbiome.

Her latest book ‘Gut and Physiology Syndrome’ (GAPS), is a refresh and re-titled version of her previous revolutionary book – ‘Gut and Psychology Syndrome’.

GAPS offers a natural treatment approach for auto-immune illnesses, allergies, arthritis, fatigue, gut problems, hormonal issues and neurological disease, (including ADHD and autism).  

To have good health we need to eat foods created by Mother Nature, not man. Mother Nature took billions of years to design our bodies, while at the same time designing all the foods suitable for our bodies to use. How arrogant it is for humans to think that they know better than Mother Nature after having tinkered in their laboratories for a few decades!’

Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, MMedSci (Neurology), MMedSci (Nutrition)

Dr Campbell-McBride’s approach focuses on feeding children nutrient dense foods, grown by loving farmers taking good care of their soil and animals, prepared in time honoured ways that maximally enhance their digestibility. Through this approach Dr Campbell-McBride has helped many families turn the tide on severe chronic illness and restored children back to a picture of health. 

Dr Campbell-McBride’s work should have been making headlines, given that it offers hope for reversing what Dr Martin Blaser terms the ‘Modern Plagues’ in his brilliant book ‘Missing Microbes’.

‘Man is the only species clever enough to make his own food and the only one stupid enough to eat it’

Zoe Harcombe

These modern plagues according to Dr Blaser are the result of something going terribly wrong within the past few decades. Despite the medical advances, we appear to be getting sicker. He goes on to say that the incidence of autism continues to soar. The disorder was first described in 1943 by Dr Leo Kanner and was uncommon, but according to Dr Blaser, in his book published in 2014, the incidence of autism underwent a three to fourfold increase since the 1960s. This many in part be due to a growing awareness and change in diagnostic criteria.

Dr Campbell-McBride has been reversing these ‘modern plagues’ yet many parents are still enduring the torment of witnessing their children suffering from them. 

It seems that we have lots of profitable solutions available to us for suppressing the symptoms of disease that do not address root causes. Why are natural, non profitable solutions – rooted in optimal nourishment – being ignored?

‘There are many theories attempting to explain the cause of this increase in autism cases, including toxins in food, water and air; exposure to chemicals and pesticides during pregnancy; and particular characteristics of fathers. But no-one knows’. 

Martin Blaser, Missing Microbes.

Creating a Better Future

A groundswell of parents can be the ones to turn the tide on the destruction of children’s health…..not scientists, or healthcare professionals, or experts.

Parents do not have to wait for ways forward to be decided in the lab, or through statistical analysis on paper, when their children are suffering and need them urgently…NOW. At least, not when the solutions can be simple, time tested and rooted in real food from healthy soil.

There are parents all over the globe who are learning how to restore their children’s health, inspired by those who have been courageous enough to break away from the mainstream train, now veering way off track. Following on from healing her own child, Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride left her career as a neurosurgeon behind and has now become a regenerative farmer alongside working to expand the reach of the GAPS approach. 

There comes a point when adhering to outdated beliefs becomes more destructive than stabilising – and that’s where we are right now, when it comes to dealing with chronic disease.

The evidence for the health restoring power of nutrient dense foods and wise traditions is now mounting up behind a dam that WILL inevitably burst. The word incurable will be forced to shrink back to its appropriate size, as it has no place being attached to many of the man made ‘modern plagues’ we are experiencing today.

Introducing Hilary Boynton

Hilary Boynton is a parent that is leading the way, inspired by such people as Dr Campbell-McBride, Sally Fallon Morrell, Dr Weston A Price, Dr Thomas Cowan and pioneering scientist Elaine Gottschall. Hilary is a mother of five who refused to accept chronic ill health in her own children and the continuation of poor nutrition in schools.

Upon healing her family using the GAPS diet, Hilary went on to publish a cookbook with Mary G Brackett entitled ‘The Heal your Gut Cookbook – Nutrient Dense Recipes for Intestinal Health Using the GAPS diet’.

Hilary became the ‘Lunch Lady’ in her local school, transforming the nutrition of hundreds of children and has now founded the School of Lunch (SOL), with a mission to:

‘joyfully give the ancestral knowledge, wisdom and nourishing benefits of our culinary and lifestyle philosophies to the maximum number of human beings possible’. 

Hilary has joined the ranks of those who have gone beyond the current paradigm. Having learned and experienced for herself how the right food, grown and prepared in the right way has the power to restore wellbeing and vitality to our children.

Find out what Hilary has been doing in schools, here:

Hilary will be joining us in our private social platform – Primal Web, introducing her work to restore children’s health through real food and taking part in live webinars where you get the chance to ask your own questions. 

To attend and participate in the conversations, webinars and events join HERE

So how can we nourish our children and find out more about the return of traditional food wisdom?

First and foremost we do not need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to feeding our children. This would be foolish and ignorant, given the experiential wisdom our ancestors have already amassed.

We do however need to draw forward forgotten nourishing traditions and build upon them, with our own real life learnings. When it comes to offering our families the deepest nourishment, the best knowledge we have is that which has endured the harshest of all tests…time.

Only that which is useful, valuable and has real substance endures the test of time and becomes embedded as a tradition, anything surplus is thankfully discarded by the wayside.

Sandeep Agarwal in conversation with Hilary Boynton about valuable traditional knowledge remarks:

‘Before we learn from each other, we learn from traditions’ 

Sandeep is the fifth generation to take on his family business creating traditional foods using time tested wisdom. Sandeep remarked that his mother used to say that ‘no knowledge is lost’, that knowledge is like sunlight. Knowledge is there, just as sunlight is there. You only need an open mind to receive it.

There are no shortage of way showers to hold the hands of worried parents as they embark on a journey back towards solid nutritional ground once more. As the months and years go by, there will be many more walking this path together, connected by their mutual desire to offer their children truly nourishing food. 

There are others too, leaving their mark upon the path less travelled. Perhaps one of the most significant contributions is from Sally Fallon Morrell. One of her books; Nourishing Traditions – The cookbook that challenges politically correct nutrition and the diet dictocrats – is truly a life saving and changing book. A book that has surely earned its place on every parent’s books shelves through bringing nourishing traditions back into our homes. 

Remarkable Forgotten Discoveries

Many people reading this will perhaps have already heard about the remarkable work of Weston A Price, a dentist who travelled the world with an open, curious mind, attempting to uncover the secrets to good dental health. As is always the case with profound discoveries, what he ‘noticed’ took him well beyond his initial line of enquiry.

He noticed that what led to good dental health, also held the key to impeccable overall health and longevity. All the populations that experienced immaculate dental health, also appeared to enjoy perfect physical health. 

The common thread that ran through Dr Weston A Price’s observations was the decline in dental and overall health after processed western foods were introduced to the diet.

Very quickly – within one generation – of consuming processed foods, children developed overcrowded teeth, their nostrils became more pinched (making breathing more difficult) and their skeletal and sinus structures began to degenerate into lesser functional forms.

Of course, there are many factors at play, including ones that led to western foods being available and chosen in the first place, but the correlation is certainly an interesting one. These findings open us up to many more questions and discoveries. 

What is truly astounding is that most dentists today are not even aware of the life’s work of Dr Weston A Price. Dr Steven Lin, a disenchanted dentist experiencing somewhat of a crisis of meaning in his career, discovered the work of Dr Weston A Price by chance whilst travelling.

The ah-ha moments triggered by Weston A Price’s work led to Dr Steven Linn writing his ground-breaking book ‘The Dental Diet’.

This book – filled with a revival of ancestral wisdom – offers parents hope for ensuring their children can enjoy great lifelong dental health, instead of expecting dental degeneration with age.

So how (practically speaking) can we use this knowledge to better nourish our children this summer?

According to the holistic dentist – Dr Steven Lin – we should not be focused on the right amounts of food, but the right kinds of food that are rich in the nutrients your body needs most. He explains that every meal should contain sources of fat soluble vitamins A, D and K2 as well as the support elements that work alongside them in the body including magnesium, zinc and dietary fat

He lists the following foods that are a source of these fat soluble vitamins:

  • Whole, full fat animal products, including the skin: beef, chicken, lamb and duck
  • Organ meats
  • Whole fish and shellfish
  • Milk, butter, yoghurt and cheese
  • Eggs
  • Natto
  • Colourful vegetables and salads cooked or dressed in fat. 

The bottom line is that a healthy diet necessarily includes animal products with gelatin rich skin, bone marrow, collagenous joints and slow cooked stocks and broths. 
Dr Steven Lin

Dr Lin’s summarised guidance is a really helpful place to start when planning meals that are truly nourishing for our children.

When it comes to taking practical action to better nourish your children this summer, start with the simplest most impactful next steps. Without a doubt the quickest win here is through incorporating one of the most nourishing foods available into your child’s diet – bone broths. 

Bone Broth

Nutrient dense staple

Bone broth can be consumed as a meal in its own right, but it can also be served as a starter, or used as a base for other dishes or sauces (like stir fry or gravy) to enhance the nutritional profile of various meals .

In its simplest form bone broth can be consumed as a cup-a-soup to top up hungry bellies. 

Although the summer holidays may be full of fresh vibrant salads, fruits and BBQs, to truly optimise nourishment, the slow cooker should still be in action on a regular basis!

Why start with Bone broths?

Benefits of Bone Broth

  • High in collagen which turns to gelatin when dissolved
  • Potential source of bio-available minerals complexes
  • Source of anti-inflammatory amino acids arginine and glutamine 
  • May support the health of the gut lining
  • High levels of collagen may have an anti-aging effect and support healthy skin, hair and nails 
  • Great post workout recovery drink to support muscle repair

For those who want to try bone broths, but haven’t got the time to make it. Why not try our ready made broths. 

If you would like to attend our live webinars with Hilary and other inspiring advocates for nourishing traditions and nutrient dense foods, then join our Primal Web platform HERE

Meet and train with Hilary:

For those who want to meet and learn from Hilary in person and have enough passion to travel to California, you can book a space on her SOL training academy here:

Sample recipe from Hilary and Mary’s ‘The Heal Your Gut Cookbook, Nutrient-Dense Recipes for Intestinal Health Using the GAPS Diet’

Scrumptious Chicken in a Crock-Pot


2 teaspoons paprika

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon dried thyme

½ teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon curry powder

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon dried sage

¼ teaspoon black pepper

2 onions

1 whole chicken

Animal fat or ghee

Combine the dried spices in a small bowl. Place the onions in the bottom of the slow cooker. Remove any giblets from the chicken, wash it and pat it dry. Rub the spice mixture all over it. Pop some spices under the skin and in the cavity if you can manage it. Rub some fat over the chicken. Put the chicken on top of the onions in the slow cooker, breast-side down, cover it and turn it on high. There is no need to add any liquid. Cook for 3-4hours  on high or 6-8hours on low (for a 3-4lb chicken) or until the meat is falling off the bone. 

Further reading/listening:

Ancestral cooking for schools

Hilary Boynton: How to Feed Your Family with Real Food

Join our New Primal Stakes Club
Benefit from wholesome nutrition and help us support a transition towards more regenerative farming!

Be the first to hear about cow shares, offal boxes, half lambs, pigs or mutton boxes produced by farmers up and down the UK. Receive progress reports on their journey to low input regenerative agriculture. Get involved in open days, farm tours and events!

Join for free – click the button below.

The Big Wide World Of Primal Living

Unleash Your Inner Greatness With Jake Mahal

We are really pleased to introduce some Primal living guidance from Certified Health and Wellness Coach Jake Mahal.

Jake is a Primal Health Master Coach, MovNat Instructor, Breathwork Coach, Barefoot Coach and Permaculture Design Consultant. He has been a long standing supporter of Primal Meats and is a member of our Primal Web community.

Contents Page

Food – Recap of nutritional principles of ancestral health

Move – Incorporating primal movement patterns

Sleep – Healthy environments and routines

Play – Access the inner child

Relax – Stepping out of fight/flight/freeze

Relate – Developing good social connections

Bathe – Absorb the full spectrum of available light

Connect with Jake

Disclaimer: This article is intended to support personal education and offer individuals the opportunity to research a range of approaches to achieving wellbeing. A Primal living or ancestral approach to wellbeing is a path that some people choose for themselves and is in no way intended to replace professional medical, healthcare, dietary or wellbeing advice. Consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle, especially if you take prescribed medications.

By Jake Mahal

Nutrition is the prime mover when it comes to our health – it’s the external environment that we’re literally merging into our internal environment. That said, there are some other big pieces we need to factor in if we’re looking toward optimal human gene expression and therefore optimal human health.

If you’re already buying regenerative meat but not too sure on the wider nutritional principles of ancestral health, let me give you a quick recap:

  • Eat plants and animals – the more diverse the better – and get these both from wild/regenerative sources.
  • Avoid grains, refined seed and vegetable oils and refined sugars.
  • Don’t eat well presented poison… the type that has many ingredients and is packaged in brightly coloured plastic (junk food).

Ok, what other behaviours do we need to stack in with our food?


Let’s kick things off by talking about movement. Primal living is all about getting in touch with our primal selves, and that means embracing our natural inclination to move. So, lace up your minimalist shoes (if you’re well adapted to a barefoot lifestyle – if not, you need to ease into this), and prepare to get closer to the ground. Here we’re talking about lots of low level movement at regular intervals along with the occasional all out effort of lifting something heavy, or moving our body very quickly.

When it comes to moving like our ancestors, guess what they didn’t do?….. Long cardio sessions. These modern exercise modalities are not what our genes are expecting and leave us overly-inflamed, injury prone and teetering on burnout.

Trying out new movement patterns or intensities might feel difficult to begin with, but research shows that the more we move, the more we want to move. So, engage in activities that make your inner child jump for joy. Think hiking, sprinting, climbing, or even joining something like a yoga class. Ditch the boring treadmill and venture outdoors to explore the untamed beauty of nature. Let your body move freely, and you’ll unlock a level of vitality that’s off the charts!

Not sure where to start with this?

I highly recommend checking out MovNat (natural movement fitness) – I’m happy to talk to anyone who wants more info – get in touch.

Research shows that the more we move, the more we want to move. So if you don’t know where to start – just start moving a little bit more – and let your primal nature drive you forward.


Sleep Like a Sloth (in a Good Way). Ah, the primal art of snoozing! Quality sleep is essential for restoring our primal bodies and minds.

Create a sleep sanctuary that would make our ancestors proud. Banish electronic devices from your bedroom, make sure your den is cool and dark and get into bed on time each and every day. Embrace your inner sloth and give yourself the sleep you deserve (minimum 7 hours per night and ideally 8 or more unless you’re taking an afternoon siesta). Then rise and shine, on time and expose your eyes (and therefore brain) to natural daylight as soon as possible. You’ll find yourself revitalised and ready to tackle the day!

More sleep tips here.


Unleash your inner child. Remember the days when play was an essential part of life? It’s time to reconnect with your inner child and infuse your primal lifestyle with an ample dose of fun and adventure. Break free from the mundane and explore new frontiers!

Play is actually our primary way of learning and yet play seems to get side-lined as soon as we start primary school… and I probably don’t need to mention our working adult lives.

Engage in activities that challenge your mind and body at the same time – just like a hunting and gathering session would have done. Join a local sports team, take up martial arts, or try your hand at a coordination task like juggling. The world is your playground, so let your primal spirit roam free!

By no means am I side-lining the more sedentary methods of play. A family board game is a great downtime activity that I’m sure honours the spirit of our ancestors story-telling merged with problem solving and deep relational ties.

Play is our primary way of learning


Slow Life Down. Our modern lives are far too hectic and have us operating, in a moderate way, in our flight/fight/freeze (sympathetic) nervous system far too often. Our ancestors would have been resting and digesting (using the parasympathetic nervous system) predominantly with the occasional huge spike from the sympathetic nervous system when a bear decided to give chase.

To honour our primal nervous systems – we need to slow down. Reconnect with nature regularly, whether it’s through a leisurely hike, or simply finding a quiet spot to sit and contemplate.

Practice deep breathing, meditation, or indulge in a relaxing bathing or massage ritual. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who nourish your primal soul.

On the flip side of this (health permitting)- occasionally give your nervous system an intense and short sharp stressor (otherwise known as a hormetic stressor) to mimic the bear, the lion or the sabre-tooth-tiger. These intense stressors actually help keep our nervous system well toned and allow us to better adapt to the regular stressors of life, build tolerance and actually spend more time in our rest and digest system. Sprints or very brief, high intensity workouts, cold plunges, saunas or some breathwork practices can all be good examples of healthy stress to include in your life… and there’s no risk of being eaten alive… win!


Embrace Community and Connection: Humans are social creatures, and our primal ancestors knew the importance of community. In the modern world, it’s easy to get caught up in our own little caves (or phones… doom-scrolling anyone?), but a primal lifestyle reminds us to reconnect and forge meaningful connections.

Find your tribe, whether it’s through joining local rambling groups, participating in woodwork workshops, or regularly interacting on Primal Web. Share your experiences, swap primal recipes, and inspire each other to live life to the fullest.


Catch some rays. We’ve been conditioned over the past decades to be fearful of the sun and to cover up at every opportunity. We didn’t evolve slathered in factor 50 or wearing sun hats. We need the sun on our skin. This is vital for our Vitamin D production (actually a pro-hormone) which has cascading effects on our body from DNA function through to mood states and regulating our sleep cycles. Head outside first thing after waking and do some literal sun salutations – preferably naked – or as naked as appropriate for your surroundings! Then repeat the process at midday and before sunset – try to catch all the spectra of visible and invisible light on offer.

IMPORTANT… never burn. It’s just common sense. Skin, radiated until it is red and painful is not a good idea. A good approach to sun exposure is to spend half as much time in the sun as it would take your skin to burn and no more. If you’d burn after 50 minutes – get 25 minutes and then head for the shade for the rest of your natural movement inspired stretching session.

Final thoughts

So, there’s a quick prescription of primal lifestyle to complement your already tip-top eating. Remember, it’s all about moving, sleeping, playing, stressing less, sunning more and connecting with others. If you’d love to put this all together in a tried and tested way to find #alldayenergy, ideal body weight and long-term success, get in touch with Jake HERE.

Jake loves empowering busy parents to cultivate a lifestyle leading to #alldayenergy, ideal body weight and lifelong success. You can interact with Jake and other health, wellbeing, food and farming experts in our social media platform Primal Web click below to join.

Join our New Primal Stakes Club
Benefit from wholesome nutrition and help us support a transition towards more regenerative farming!

Be the first to hear about cow shares, offal boxes, half lambs, pigs or mutton boxes produced by farmers up and down the UK. Receive progress reports on their journey to low input regenerative agriculture. Get involved in open days, farm tours and events!

Join for free – click the button below.

The Truth About Saturated Fats in Your Diet: Debunking Dietary Beliefs

By Teri Clayton

For decades, fat has been demonised as a dietary villain responsible for various health problems. However, recent research has shown that not all fats are created equal and that certain types of fats are essential for a healthy diet. While polyunsaturated fats from sources like avocados and nuts have been touted as “good” fats, saturated fats have been largely rejected as unhealthy. But is this really the case? In this article, we’ll explore the truth about saturated fats in the human diet and debunk some of the dietary beliefs surrounding them.

The Role of Saturated Animal Fat as a Potent Energy Source

A key part of our work at Primal involves supporting the regenerative and holistic management of livestock, with a particularly strong emphasis on cattle. We consider cattle to be a vital component in the regeneration of many types of ecosystems.


There are innumerable reasons cows are vital, not least their production of manure. Cows ingest forage and convert it into something overflowing with diverse varieties of life and fertile nourishment. Not only does this manure support the life of many species above ground, it also feeds organisms deep below the soil line. It builds soil organic matter, drawing down carbon from the air and enhances soil nutrient bioavailability, through the production of microbial metabolites….phew, that’s quite a list.

We can say with confidence that cows and their manure are pretty amazing when it comes to improving ecosystem health!

Whilst cows create and nourish more life through their amazing digestive processes and manure, we also love another aspect of their biology that receives little recognition. Cows can produce concentrated energy in the form of fat, from seemingly indigestible, tough and fibrous, cellulosic plant material. Read more HERE

Due to a cow’s ultra-efficient digestive capacity alongside their exquisitely evolved digestive microbiome, they can literally turn even dried up dead leaves into energy that can power life.

Unlocking the Power of Fat: The Surprising Role it Plays in Our Energy Levels

We all know that energy makes the world go round and we certainly know about it when we don’t have enough of it.  But how many people can say they truly value the role of fat in relation to our energy levels in our day to day lives. 

Through a cow’s digestive capacities, sunlight energy – stored up in plants – can be transformed into fats that we humans can utilise as an energy source. We certainly would not get that amount of energy from chewing on indigestible lignified material ourselves. This is quite a remarkable benefit to us – enabling us to access the energy from the sun in a concentrated form that our bodies can process. Yet there is currently a great deal of controversy surrounding the consumption of energy dense – saturated animal fats.

What do you currently believe about saturated animal fat and it’s role as a source of energy in our diet? We’d love to know! Share on our platform HERE.

Exploring the Benefits of Saturated Fats in Our Diet: Breaking Down the Myths and Misconceptions

Fat has been vilified in the human diet and blamed for a whole manner of human diseases and ailments. But as with all things to do with diet and health – the story is complex, nuanced and not at all black and white. 

We have recognised for a while that not all fats are bad – that good fats are in fact an absolutely essential part of a healthy diet (1). But whilst we have been quick to put polyunsaturated fats from sources like avocados, seeds and nuts on a pedestal, we have largely rejected the possibility of saturated fats offering us a positive source of energy and nutrition. 

Saturated fats have been undergoing somewhat of a revival when it comes to choosing cooking fats in the kitchen. This is because saturated fats do not break down into inflammatory oxidised fats after heating, as extracted polyunsaturated fats tend to do (2). Whilst this small win for utilising saturated fats is a step in a more balanced direction, there are many dietary beliefs that are acting as barriers to a more widespread adoption of saturated animal fats in our diets.

Are these barriers helpful and protective or could they be hindering us?

Saturated fats have been embraced as a long lasting source of energy, fat soluble vitamins and other nutrients by many following a more ancestral/wild type diet (3). But is this truly good for us? There are many people who follow the guidance about eating a very low-fat diet and there are others who focus solely on including plenty of ‘healthy’ polyunsaturated fats – yet there is still a great deal of confusion around the benefits of consuming saturated fat.

‘Recent research, coming from the popularity of low-carbohydrate high-fat diets, is challenging some of these concerns about high fat and high saturated fatty acid (SFA) intakes and disease risk’ (4)

‘Studies carried out in animals that were fed high-fat diets did not show a specific causal relationship between dietary fat and obesity. On the contrary, very-low-carbohydrate and high-fat diets such as the ketogenic diet have shown to be beneficial to weight loss’ (5)

Perhaps it’s time we started to explore, think and – in some experienced cases – take action a little bit further outside of the box, to gain some clarity? Have a look at this video of holistic Doctor and decathlete Dr Sten Ekberg, showing what happened to him after eating 100 tablespoons of butter in 10 days, click HERE to view. 

Given the anecdotal cases of fats improving people’s health, is it possible that we have got things totally wrong?

Could a diet higher in fat, (especially certain types of saturated fat, known to confer beneficial effects) offer us greater health?

Dispelling the Top 5 Myths about Saturated Fats in Diet: Separating Fact from Fiction

Myth: All fats are bad for you.Reality: Good fats are essential to a healthy diet.
Misconception: Polyunsaturated fats are the only healthy fats.Reality: Saturated fats can also be a positive source of energy and nutrition.
Myth: Saturated fats are unhealthy and should be avoided.Reality: Saturated fats can be a long-lasting source of energy, fat-soluble vitamins, and other nutrients.
Misconception: High-fat diets lead to obesity and disease.Reality: Recent research challenges this belief, with some studies showing that high-fat diets can be beneficial for weight loss.
Myth: Eating too much fat is always bad for you.Reality: Consuming certain types of saturated fat in moderation may potentially confer beneficial effects and improve health.

Understanding Ketogenic Diets: Benefits, Risks, and Adaptation for Mitochondrial Energy Production

Ketogenic diets are now increasingly popular, working with the capacity of mitochondria to produce energy from fat through the production of ketone bodies. With purported benefits including blood glucose stabilisation in diabetes, to reversing the severity of neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s (6,7,8), there is certainly sufficient cause to explore this diet more thoroughly.

There are many theories about why ketogenic diets offer health benefits and also many that declare it to be dangerous (9). It is said by some that when mitochondria burn ketones for fuel instead of carbohydrates, it reduces the oxidative stress placed on the mitochondria and thus enhances their longevity (8)

Disclaimer: We do not advocate following a ketogenic diet and offer no specific dietary recommendations. Please seek the advice of your healthcare provider, or a qualified nutritional therapist/practitioner or dietician before you make any sudden dietary changes. This article is intended only to stimulate thought and further personal research into what might better suit individuals. 

Whilst it is widely accepted that the body, including the brain, are well suited to using ketones as an energy source when needed (10), it is also understood that the brain needs at least some glucose (11) and many people report not getting on well with a ketogenic diet at all.

There are adaptive mechanisms in the body that allow people to adjust to ketogenic diets. The majority of people do not understand how to work with the adaptation required to move from burning carbs for fuel, to burning ketones derived from fat. This is a complex topic, well beyond the scope of this article and the matter is anything but settled, even for avid ketogenic diet followers or researchers.

Those who regularly undergo intermittent fasting, or other forms of fasting will have a different capacity to produce energy from ketones, than those who have consumed carbohydrates to excess for years without a break. It is certainly true to say that a one size fits all approach definitely does not apply and one persons version of a ketogenic diet may vary significantly from another. 

New Research on Saturated Fats: Expanding Our Understanding of Their Role in a Balanced Diet

Our knowledge about nutrition will always be growing and expanding and we are barely scratching the surface of our understanding of the nutrients we need to thrive. Soil health, seasons, microbiome diversity and functionality, diversity of species, secondary metabolites in plants, animals and soil and so much more, govern the effects of what we eat on our bodies. 

Researcher Stephan Van Vliet has been exploring the impact of farming methods, soil health, microbiome and pasture diversity on the nutrient density of the food produced. His research results offer key insights that will undoubtedly expand the concept of what ‘nutrients’ are. Through the development of technology in metabolomics we can now more easily view nutrients in our food, revealing a vast and complex array of compounds that vary and emerge unexpectedly. 

One of Stephan Van Vliet’s findings was that grass fed beef had a higher level of long chain saturated fatty acids – such as arachidic acid and behenic acid (12). These saturated fatty acids are associated with a reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes (13). Whilst this does not allow us to assume that grass fed meat, high in these long chain saturated fats will reduce cardiovascular disease – it poses a key paradigm shifting question.

Could certain types of saturated fats be necessary for achieving optimal health? Could grass fed beef, high in very long chain saturated fats actually improve our cardiovascular health?

‘Increased levels of circulating very long chain saturated fatty acids have been found associated with lower risks of incident heart failure, atrial fibrillation, coronary heart disease, mortality, sudden cardiac arrest, type 2 diabetes, and with better aging’ (13).

Final Thoughts on Saturated Fats: A Balanced Approach to Incorporating Them into Your Diet

Could a diet that contains very long chain saturated fatty acids derived from grass fed animals, combined with a diet that burns ketones for fuel, offer a viable way to better support energy production and longevity in our precious mitochondria?   

When it comes to considering the role of fats as a key source of energy in our diets, the final analysis must rest with each individual and their own lifestyle choices. One thing is for sure however – cows are a great gift when it comes to converting sunlight energy into physical forms of energy. As with most processes and forms found in nature, saturated fats could potentially be a lot better for the health of the human race than we currently have the capacity to understand. 
Nature is not designed to offer up carbohydrates all year round, nor an all you can eat buffet of saturated fats. Instead nature offers us a balance of many types of nutrients at different times of the year. In all cases when it comes to what we consume on a daily basis – the poison is in the dose.

It is the diversity of nature’s energy sources that offers us the greatest protection from toxic imbalances, because everything in moderation does not permit us to consume anything to excess. 

If balance and diversity are the solution and extremes of thought, belief or action are the problem; when it comes to fats, perhaps we would be wise to include all varieties found in nature, in balance and moderation.

Further Reading: Exploring More Resources on Metabolomics, Nutrients, Microbiome, and Agro-Ecological Meat


  12. Dr. Stephan van Vliet: Beef Nutrient Density Study Preliminary Results

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Lamb, Celeriac and Mint Bone Broth

Find out how to support your immunity through connection, lifestyle and bone broths.

Chicken Bone Broth

Find out how to support your immunity through connection, lifestyle and bone broths.

Immunity and Connection

Find out how to support your immunity through connection, lifestyle and bone broths.

End Game

The end of the season is here for our wild pheasant, partridge and duck. Get your wild game birds now and try out our Poacher’s Pot recipe inspired by Grandmas cook book!

Regenerative Agriculture

The hottest trend of 2023?

By Caroline Grindrod 

Firstly, if you have been hiding under a rock and haven’t yet heard of regenerative agriculture, here’s a quick description and a great explainer video.

What is regenerative agriculture? 

‘Regenerative agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services. By capturing carbon in soil and biomass, regenerative agriculture aims to reverse current trends of atmospheric accumulation. At the same time, it offers increased yields, resilience to climate instability, and higher health and vitality for farming communities.’ 

Terra Genisis

A different paradigm 

Regenerative agriculture comes from a different paradigm to conventional agriculture and is a huge step change in how we produce our food. Think about how Airbnb revolutionised the hospitality industry or Uber changed how we get around, then 10X it to get a sense of how exciting and revolutionary regenerative agriculture is for the farming industry. And boy, do we need this revolution on food and farming if we are to survive in the volatile and uncertain decades to come! 

The regenerative agriculture movement has been a slow and arduous building of decades of pioneering work in the face of ridicule and resistance from those with an invested interest in the status quo.  

 “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”

originated with Mahatma Gandhi

Pioneers such as Allan Savory, Gabe Brown and the understanding AG team, Vandana Shiva, the Regrarians, the Permaculture movement and many others (including Roots of nature, 3LM, Rob Havard, Wilderculture and others here in the UK) have done the excruciatingly hard work of rolling the boulder up the very steep hill to reach the tipping point that is about to crash down on us. 

Collectively these pioneers have demonstrated success with practical examples on millions of acres and scientifically collected indisputable evidence that regenerative agriculture works. 

Let’s also not forget the indigenous and traditional peoples who have applied ecological thinking to their highly sustainable methods of growing food in harmony with nature for longer than anyone. The wisdom and knowledge of these people has been overlooked and marginalised in the global race to the bottom, fueled by the companies and methods of the green revolution. 

Regenerative agriculture – reaching a tipping point

This is a movement whose time has come. 

During the turbulent last few years filled with rapidly rising costs, disrupted supply chains, biodiversity collapse and climate derangement, regenerative agriculture seems to be the only serious contender for a more resilient and healthy future for people and the planet – unless, of course, you have been seduced by George Monbiot’s depressing dystopian future of factory formed fake food!

So regardless of whether you are a vegan, vegetarian, omnivore or carnivore or flex between, regenerative agriculture is how our food should be grown. We need to unite behind this exciting movement if we stand a chance of out-competing the vast and powerful vested interests in chemical and industrial agriculture.

So buckle up over Christmas and January and get up to speed with what we think will be the hottest trend for 2023 by watching these fantastic movies, documentaries and TV series exploring the hopeful solutions regenerative agriculture offers. 

Instead of the 12 days of Christmas, we give you the 12 days of regeneration!

And here’s an idea for a new year’s resolution. What about, in addition to your noble commitment to bike to work or reduce your plastic packaging, you do something that will not just reduce your impact but actively drive change for the better? 

If you are a meat eater or know someone who eats meat, then you can join our stake club. It’s free with no obligation to buy. As part of this regenerative initiative, we actively train and support farmers to transition to regenerative agriculture. We offer them a simple, no-obligation, fair way to sell their amazing nutrient-dense produce. 

Join – HERE and share the opportunity with family and friends by sending them this link. We launch at the end of January. 

We have also created a free course for any interested citizen who wants to know more about regenerative agriculture on our social media platform dedicated to regeneration and primal living – Primal Web. Take the course HERE!

Let’s make 2023 the year that regenerative agriculture goes mainstream. We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and wish you a regenerative new year.

Healthy Teeth, Healthy Heart

Can grass fed produce restore our dental and cardiovascular health?

By Teri Clayton 

It is now well established that our dental health has powerful effects on our overall well-being, especially on our cardiovascular system (1,2,3). Taking care of our teeth, gums and mouths is absolutely mission critical if we want to live long and – more importantly – healthy lives. Yet when it comes to dental health, many people just assume that cutting down on sugary food, twice daily brushing, once daily flossing and regular hygienist and dental check-ups are the only requirements.

Despite people following all the dentist’s orders many are still left struggling with deteriorating dental health (4). This includes a variety of issues such as gum disease, worsening enamel erosion, halitosis, cavity formation, jaw pain, impacted wisdom teeth, oral infections and painful sensitivity. People are not finding the healing answers they need. Despite all the knowledge, technical advances and expertise, poor dental health is still contributing to a lot of disease and suffering both in the developed and developing world. 

Whilst many people could easily blame their lack of discipline with flossing, or eating too many sugary, or refined foods for their dental issues, it is becoming increasingly obvious that moderate lifestyles with occasional slip-ups cannot be solely to blame. Dental health is as much a product of the health of our inner physiology and nutritional status, as it is about outer hygiene practices. Since the introduction of processed foods, the warning bells have been sounding loud and clear when it comes to our dentition – but is anyone listening?

We are in the midst of an epidemic of dental health issues and these cannot be explained by a lack of good dental care and maintenance. Since the Industrial revolution began there has been a worrying trend towards poor dental development, at a basic developmental and structural level. Malocclusion, impacted wisdom teeth, misaligned jaws and issues with poor palate and maxillary and mandible bone development are now commonplace. The mouths of large numbers of children in the western world are unable to offer sufficient room for the healthy eruption of wisdom teeth and compromised brain oxygenation through mouth breathing, (due to pinched and congested nasal passages) is now becoming the norm.

‘The numbers representing oral disease are simply staggering and reveal a modern health epidemic in our society that starts in childhood and spans our entire adult lives. The pervasiveness of dental disease has given us the idea that, as part of growing up, we will inevitably experience decay, need braces or have wisdom teeth removed’ Dentist – Dr Steven Lin (5)

Whilst dentists and dental surgeons are busily fitting braces, pulling teeth, lifting sinuses, adjusting jaw bone alignments, removing impacted teeth and drilling and filling cavity after cavity – who is trying to find and address the root causes? 

Years ago in the 1930’s a very forward thinking Dentist – Dr Weston Price- noticed these worrying trends emerging. He set off on a mission to explore other cultures around the globe to discover what factors contributed to the development of healthy teeth and the degeneration into disease.

The book in which his field notes and findings have been published, complete with ample images of good and bad dental health in other cultures, is called ‘Nutrition and Physical Degeneration’. This is a thought provoking and, for many, a life changing book that ought to be on every healthcare professionals reading lists, (in my not so humble opinion).

Dr Weston Price made discoveries that could have turned the tide on dental degradation by now and reduced the chronic suffering of millions (perhaps billions) of children and adults, (perhaps it will in time). It is disappointing that so far his findings have not been explored more formally, to allow them to be further developed and brought forward into mainstream research, nutrition, medical and dental training.

It is refreshing to see a change in this trend however as more ‘ahead of the curve’ nutritionists, doctors and dentists adopt a holistic approach to their own branch of healthcare. One such dentist is speaker and author Dr Steven Lin, he brings Weston A Price’s research into the spotlight in his industry leading book ‘The Dental Diet’. What a relief! 

Another leader who has combined her own findings and experiences with Dr Weston Price’s work and that of other leading edge thinkers and do-ers is Dr Natasha Campbell-Mcbride. Her books Gut and Physiology Syndrome and its previous version ‘Gut and Psychology Syndrome’, offer us a far more complete picture of how to improve our overall health. Her genius level work combines the benefits of a nutrient dense diet, with key understandings about the microbiome and the contributing factors that lead to gut dysbiosis. These people don’t just discuss lofty theories, or observe test tube phenomena in a lab, they practise what they preach and have seen the results for themselves, in real people, as did Dr Weston price. Following in their footsteps would see many people following a much more appropriate path for their wellbeing, but as with all discoveries that are ahead of their time, it takes courage and self responsibility to explore them. 

Dr Weston Price discovered that although cavities began to affect the general population during the agricultural revolution, it was not until the industrial revolution that severe issues such as underdeveloped jaws and impacted wisdom teeth began. He noted that wherever a culture stopped using traditional foods and began to rely upon modern day processed foods, such as white flours, tinned goods and vegetable oils, the dental issues really began to take hold. He noticed that cultures which retained their traditional diet and consumed animal fat and rich sources of fat soluble vitamins (such as butter, milk, organ meats or cod liver oil), did not experience any issues with dental health. It is remarkable to note that these cultures not only retained impeccable dental structure, but some barely, (if ever) suffered with cavities and neither did they use toothbrushes. I’m willing to bet fluoride toothpaste and antiseptic mouthwashes were definitely not in their bathroom cabinets!

 Though we cannot jump to the conclusion that introducing greater amounts of animal fats and fat soluble vitamins to everyone’s diets will rectify our issues – the possibility of this being the case, certainly warrants an urgent enquiry. Are widespread dental problems being caused by cutting down and reducing our consumption of animal fats and naturally occurring fat soluble vitamins? With the mainstream narrative still suggesting that we replace fatty red meats with lean white cuts or vegetarian options, to limit our egg consumption, to replace butter with synthetic margarine, to replace full fat milk with skimmed and to choose the ‘low fat’ options wherever possible – will the children of the future be left to endure a painful multi-generational legacy and watch their children endure the same? Could raising our children on diets rich in natural sources of fat soluble vitamins, offer us a way to solve our dental health epidemic?

Weston A Price’s observation of people who have exceptionally well formed and developed teeth, gums and jaw, alongside great overall health, gives us cause to question the validity of current mainstream dietary recommendations and dig deeper for answers and perhaps find better ways forward. 

Something that should be of great interest to all those who want to improve their dental and therefore overall health, are the fat soluble vitamins, specifically vitamins A,D & K. Dr Price noticed during periods of rapid grass growth during spring and autumn, the dairy from cows consuming this grass produce milk that is richer in fat soluble vitamins. See one of Dr Price’s observations below pertaining to vitamin content in dairy, he was referring to the fat soluble vitamins that he regarded as critical missing puzzle pieces in the modern diet. 


‘Since 1927, I have been analyzing samples of dairy products, chiefly butter, from several parts of the world for their vitamin content. These samples are received every two to four weeks from the same places, usually for several years. They all show a seasonal rise and fall in vitamin content. The high level is always associated with the use of rapidly growing young plant food. …..By far the most efficient plant food that I have found for producing the high-vitamin content in milk is rapidly growing young wheat and rye grass. Oat and barley grass are also excellent. In my clinical work small additions of this high-vitamin butter to otherwise satisfactory diets regularly checks tooth decay when active and at the same time improves vitality and general health’. Dr Weston Price (6). 

Dr Price, describes case after case of the remediation of dental, skeletal and other issues in patients that transitioned over to nutrient dense foods containing the crucial fat soluble vitamins. His main recommendations were high vitamin butter oil, fermented cod liver oils, full fat raw grass fed dairy (with the vitamins intact), organ meats, eggs, plentiful seafood and others. Of all the recommendations Dr Price suggests, the most important nutrients to be included in the diet are sources of the fat soluble vitamins – which he compares to the battery of an automobile. Without these essential fat soluble vitamins the tank can be full of gas, but the car will never start without the igniting spark, he says. 

Dr Price talked about a fat soluble vitamin/activator that he called factor X, it was this particular nutrient that Dr Price recognised as being absolutely crucial in maintaining dental health and the levels of it in dairy fluctuated according to the quality of the ruminants diet. 

This activator factor X is highly likely to be what has been identified today as Vitamin K and we are now beginning to understand the role pasture fed livestock play in ensuring we obtain sufficient levels of the vital K2 form of this vitamin. 

Vitamin K

For decades now when people present with brittle bones or osteoporosis they have been prescribed vitamin D and calcium supplements. This was considered to be the magic combination that would lead to stronger, less brittle bones. Yet what we are now beginning to learn is that calcium and vitamin D work alongside other key vitamins and minerals that are just as important when it comes to maintaining bone health. Vitamin K is one such vitamin and its effects within the body go far beyond the commonly recognised influence of Vitamin K1 in blood clotting. There are a whole set of forms of vitamin K. When it comes to bone and dental health, vitamin K2 forms (such as mk-7 and mk-4) are essential. These forms of vitamin K work in tandem with vitamin D and calcium to support the body in knowing where to deposit calcium, through their ability to activate osteocalcin (7). Where vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium and also the dissolution of calcium into the bloodstream, vitamin K tells the body where to transport and deposit this calcium – via activated osteocalcin and Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) into the bones. 

Where we once thought that bones could not grow or alter once someone had finished growing – now we understand that bones shift in density and form under the influence of re-modelling processes that involve these fat soluble vitamins identified by Dr Weston Price. If one bone is not undergoing any weight bearing exercise – the body will remodel the bone to match the form to the required function. Thus, those who regularly participate in weight bearing exercise will benefit from greater bone density, as the body builds the bone via the activity of osteoblasts to support the weight bearing activity required. Likewise if someone lives a sedentary lifestyle, not moving much and not exposing their bodies to regular everyday knocks and shocks – given enough time – their bones will become weak and brittle, unable to withstand the force endured during running or falls. This is due to the resorption of the bone through the action of osteoclasts. This re-modelling of bone to suit bodily demands, occurs under the influence of various physiological processes. Of course these processes are complex and involve many pathways and compounds such as proteins, fats, minerals, hormones, enzymes, cells and more, but it appears that Dr Weston Price was barking up the right tree when he called the fat soluble vitamins/activators the battery of the engine. It seems that healthy bones and teeth rely upon us consuming or producing adequate quantities of these fat soluble vitamins. 

 Quote from Dennis Goodman MD

‘Vitamin K2 is the bodies light switch. It activates or ‘turns on’ important proteins in the body such as osteocalcin for strong bones and the matrix Gla protein (MGP) which keeps calcium – that crucial bone building nutrient – away from your arteries so they don’t harden and lead to cardiovascular disease’ (7)

Most people are familiar with the challenges of obtaining sufficient vitamin D with modern lifestyles. With the lack of sun exposure and difficulty obtaining sufficient levels in the western diet, many people now rely upon supplementation of vitamin D to achieve optimal levels. Yet our needs for vitamin K and how to obtain sufficient amounts through our diet receives very little attention. 

Dietary vitamin K2 comes largely from:

  • Dairy produce from grass fed ruminants
  • Offal from grass fed animals
  • Eggs from poultry with access to pasture
  • Natto (a Japanese dish made with fermented beans)
  • Sauerkraut

It is clear to see that once the shift happened in the modern world – moving animals off pasture into enclosures and barns – would have dramatically affected our intake of this vital vitamin. Animals that are moved indoors and taken off pasture are fed carefully designed specialist feed rations – but who is considering whether this has affected the vitamin K2 levels in our daily diets? Isn’t it crucial – given vitamin K2’s ability to protect our hearts and arteries from the hardening effects of calcification – that we urgently consider how we can raise our dietary intake of this vitamin once more?

The mainstream solution will likely go no further than offering supplements of Vitamin K2 as a quick fix – but there are many different forms of vitamin K2 and we don’t yet know which of these forms our bodies truly need, or how much. Data suggests that Vitamin K2 in its MK-7 form is most bioavailable and longest lasting (7), but then there are many anecdotal reports of the efficacy of Vitamin K2 in its MK-4 form. MK-4 is found in pasture raised dairy, offal and eggs and people have reported vast improvements in dental health when adopting a more traditional diet, where they reintroduce these nutrient dense foods. 

Whilst some vitamin K2 is produced by a healthy microbiome from plant based precursors – we have yet to fathom how best to restore, protect and support a truly diverse and healthy microbiome. We live in a world that could easily compromise our microbiome with everything we do and breathe, drink and eat – so is it not sensible to assume that animal based vitamin K2 is an essential requirement for the healthy development of our children’s teeth and bones and for our health overall? 

Perhaps it is time for us to reconsider if removing animals from pasture and eating meat, dairy and eggs grown in intensive systems is costing us far more than we realise. Could this one shift be a leading cause in the cardiovascular, dental and bone issues we are witnessing an explosion of today? In my opinion and boots on the ground experience – it is. I truly hope that we begin to take this concern more seriously very soon – before our children and those to come continue to be sold down the river on quick fixes, supplements and synthetic systems, that may lead only to more degeneration of planetary and human health and wellbeing. 

This is one of the reasons I left my healthcare career and stepped into supporting regenerative agriculture. There’s only so long you can watch more and more people suffer – whilst the simplest, least profitable solutions are ignored and ridiculed. I believe that our food needs to grow in healthy soil and that our precious livestock, upon which we rely for optimal ecosystem health and nutrient dense foods, need to eat what nature designed them to eat with plentiful fresh air, sunlight and water. How can anyone think that health can be achieved otherwise?


  5. Pg 12. Lin, Dr Steven. The Dental Diet: The Surprising Link Between Your Teeth, Real Food, and Life-Changing Natural Health. Hay House UK Limited, 2019.
  6. Pg 377. Price, Dr Weston. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects. Benediction Classics, Oxford, 2010
  7. Vitamin K2: The Missing Nutrient for Heart and Bone Health. AuthorHouse, 2015.